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Then he went to the providences and rehearsed a new program.
There are three different providences in which they are focusing.
Providences new computer system also upgrades the old one.
Through providences, you see, God intervenes in the world, to make His will visible.
Hard providences were taken to diminish pollution in the city, costing $1.2 billion so far.
The tour covered twenty-nine cities in fifteen states, and two Canadian providences.
I do not believe in special providences.
Distressing special providences have lost half their horror.
Dylan performed in a total of twenty cities in fourteen states and providences.
"But one must search for the truth of providences, Praisegod Michael.
"They are a kind of providences that you'll have to be pretty sparing of, Master Sam.
Providences smiled over him again.
British divide this whole land to small providences, districts and taluks for the ease of ruling.
He spoke of providences.
They organised collections in towns and providences of Russia and received donations from many sponsors.
"They might be little Providences on earth," said my friend, "and they are, for the most part, jockeys and fops."
The species is found breeding occasionally in all Canadian providences but for Nova Scotia.
"I've never been one for believing in the supernatural, Sharpe, other than the providences of Almighty God.
It is on the border line between former Tanba and Yamashiro providences.
Bruen had an implicit belief in special providences, 'judgments,' and witchcraft.
An Essay for the Recording of Illustrious Providences (1684)
Tamriel itself is divided into nine providences, and other continents are referenced throughout the series (although never properly explored).
These yer 's all providences."
How can He sweeten the bitterest providences, and give us cause to praise Him for dungeons and prisons!
Parris moves to Salem from Boston, where Memorable Providences was published.