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He looked at his fingers and saw they were very white and very pruney.
I stood in the shower until I was pruney and toasty warm.
"Everything down there is death," she said, and pressed her cold palms and white, pruney fingers to my cheeks.
I stood under a hot shower until I was pruney and the throbbing behind my eyes had partially subsided.
Attacks with violet, pruney currants and builds sweet/savoury, lush berries in the middle.
The wrinkles that occur in skin after prolonged exposure to water are sometimes referred to as pruney fingers or water aging.
Next is a plan to study whether pruney fingers are in fact better at gripping, and whether mammals in wet habitats are more likely to get them.
The water had already cooled and her skin was pruney, but she was hesitant to give up the most pleasurable activity she had planned for the day.
De Bortoli Black Noble has "Deep amber colour, fantastic style on the nose, concentrated silky, nutty, pruney flavours.
The real things that happen on the bridle path are hard to distinguish from fantasies: "Here was a pruney man in a turquoise smock, about 20 paces up the bridle path."
Unfiltered and unpasturized, both the T and the P.X. are exquisitely balanced, with an almost pruney extract, each adding a mysterious flavor overlay that makes balsamic vinegar seem rather ordinary.
His first trouble from his art came while at parochial school in Fulton, where he drew a picture of one of the nuns as a Vargas girl, but with a "pruney face" and wearing a habit.