Even given their failure to do so, why was the outcome a protracted civil war?
Unlike many other nations with modern air forces, Iraq was engaged in a long and protracted war.
Seems that during a protracted war around here, there's almost always plenty of disease among the troops.
A protracted war started and it continued up hi to 1787.
But this calculation does not include the effect on oil and the world economy of a protracted war.
The president never fully explained the costs of a protracted war in either money or lives, some charged.
The costs of the protracted war in both money and manpower were great.
And how long do they estimate that a "protracted nuclear war" might last?
Each of them recognized the need for protracted war to gain his own objectives.
"People want someone to pay a price for this, even if it means protracted war," he said.
Of course, those claims could still be pursued, but only through a prolonged war.
Yet the third world can only suffer by a prolonged war.
This stage of the country's prolonged war was fought without independent witnesses.
And the possibility of a prolonged war with Iraq hangs over the second quarter.
Set in the year 2084 during a prolonged "cold war" between factions of humanity.
The prolonged war with Iraq has weakened the country's defenses.
The Vietnamese fought a bloody, prolonged war for the right to choose.
The prolonged war had carved out a huge black market for goods that were in short supply all over the region.
"If Croatia still wants these areas, then that means a prolonged war."
The prolonged war was a considerable financial drain on Morocco.