I now turn to the various questions, first on the automobile industry.
Support will also be provided to the national automobile industry.
It is also the only country in the region with its own automobile industry.
It led the automobile industry in sales for 25 years.
This was the best first year's production in the history of the automobile industry up to that time.
Since 1993, the automobile industry has generated more than 67,800 new jobs in the state.
Total cost of ownership is also common in the automobile industry.
"It has transformed the automobile industry in the last 20 to 30 years."
The automobile industry is the second largest of the Company's markets.
This was followed by an expansion of the automobile industry.
America's car culture does the same thing for the auto industry.
And you talk about the bad situation in the auto industry.
The government's plan for the auto industry is less clear.
Only about 46,000 of those members are in the auto industry.
The Government has been giving the auto industry $250 million a year since 1994 to pay for such work.
Want to learn more about the auto industry and how it works?
A variety of groups outside the auto industry are trying to help.
Since the end of the 20th century the auto industry started to grow, especially fast in recent years.
In 1980, its worst year ever, the American auto industry lost $4 billion.
A few people in the auto industry, however, worry whether the good times can last.
After leaving, he worked for 10 years in the automotive industry.
He soon returned to his first love, race cars and the automotive industry.
The automotive industry is an important part of the economy since the late 1960s.
The deal is a further example of China's growing influence over the automotive industry.
For nearly 25 years, John worked in the automotive industry.
But now the hybrid has come to the automotive industry.
I would not suggest it should happen in the automotive industry.
Why should we not demand as much of the automotive industry?
Following his football career, he worked in the automotive industry.
This is an article about the automotive industry in Mexico.