Nothing moved, except by the natural motion of the wind.
I answer you that by the proper motion of the stars alone it would have been difficult.
I stay by the door and motion in the direction of his other two officemates.
I can identify you in a room by the motion of the air around you.
The needle was nowhere to be seen, flicked away by the motion of his own hand.
Non-verbally, by motion or gesture only, act out what you believe to be the current condition of the world.
The dense jungle below was untouched by wind or motion of any kind.
But this is rounded, formed by the motion of stone in water.
The little girl had dropped off to sleep, lulled by the motion of the car, and for that he was glad.
Not by the slightest motion that Cliff could discern did he appear to move.
Nothing moved, except by the natural motion of the wind.
I answer you that by the proper motion of the stars alone it would have been difficult.
I stay by the door and motion in the direction of his other two officemates.
I can identify you in a room by the motion of the air around you.
The needle was nowhere to be seen, flicked away by the motion of his own hand.
Non-verbally, by motion or gesture only, act out what you believe to be the current condition of the world.
The dense jungle below was untouched by wind or motion of any kind.
But this is rounded, formed by the motion of stone in water.
The little girl had dropped off to sleep, lulled by the motion of the car, and for that he was glad.
Not by the slightest motion that Cliff could discern did he appear to move.