The company's operating income climbed to $1.7 billion last year from $242 million in 1984.
Its operating income increased 13 percent, to $1.6 billion in 1992.
Since then, the company's operating income has climbed to $1.7 billion last year from $242 million in 1984.
The company's operating income increased 25 percent, to $685 million.
The company said its operating income rose 9 percent, to $151 million.
That figure is about 3.8 percent of its total operating income from 2000 to 2005.
Late Wednesday, the company reported an 83 percent increase in its operating income.
It reported $2.5 billion in sales last year and operating income of $147 million.
But its operating income from travel increased 21 percent, to $85 million.
The company's operating income rose by 4 percent, or $46 million, to $1.23 billion.