"przyjazny" in inglés — Polish-inglés dictionary | Mirar "przyjazny" in Polish


the image to "friendly" in Polish #12533 Friendly Teddy Bears
  1. friendly **
    • przyjazny, życzliwy
      We are on friendly terms with all co-workers.
      A friendly attitude certainly will help you in your new job.
      She is a warm and friendly woman.
  2. easy *****  
    I am an easy person.
    Don't be afraid of my dog, it's very easy.
  3. warm ***
    • przyjazny, ciepły (o osobie)
      Your mother is a nice and warm woman.
  4. kind *****
  5. affable
  6. hospitable
    • sprzyjający, przyjazny (o środowisku, klimacie)
      Mediterranean climate is very hospitable to olive trees.
  7. amicable
    • przyjacielski, przyjazny, pokojowo nastawiony (np. gest, zachowanie)
      I hope that we will continue to have an amicable relationship.
      He is an amicable person, always with a smile on his face.
  8. folksy
  9. neighbourly BrE , neighborly AmE
  10. nonantagonistic  
  11. gemutlich , also: gemuetlich  
  1. easy to get on with