When public-sector workers strike to defend their benefits, they generally win broad popular support.
Changes to pension rights for public-sector workers led to walkouts and strikes all over the country last month.
Roughly a third of both private and public-sector workers also reported that they didn't want to stay at home during work.
Unions in the public sector are bound to unite to oppose the real pay cuts for public-sector workers over the next year.
The pact includes a one-time minimum wage increase of 17 percent for private- and public-sector workers on Dec. 3.
And four words for our governor and mayor: Respect public-sector workers!
More important, nearly all of the public-sector workers are in urban areas, holding jobs at the numerous state-owned enterprises that dominate the economy.
For example, it is totally unclear if and to what extent it applies to all public-sector workers.
In January 1999, he began a new round of negotiations with public-sector workers on collective agreements.
Fees and other expenses now have risen beyond the income of an average public-sector worker.