Donald had already been familiar to the American reading public through his newspaper comic strip by 1942.
The result was a cheap mass book market catering to a huge reading public.
And it became apparent that the general reading public was not only prepared, but positively eager, to listen.
He says the Argentine government has been working hard to meet the challenge of a declining reading public.
There is a need for someone to bring that joyful activity of mind we call philosophy to the wider reading public.
If we have more publishers and a larger reading public, the prices could be better controlled.
During eleven years this paper inspired the Bengali reading public.
Such judgments are best left to scholars or to the general reading public at whom this book is aimed.
Provided you get into the papers, the delightful reading public don't mind what it's for.
Johnson was largely unknown to the wider reading public at the time of his death, but has a growing cult following.