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"I was at the bar of paternal judgment again, charged with American puerility," he writes.
The habits and dress of the people have always been primitive, and their laws simple to puerility.
The episode is mildly interesting and avoids the puerility of recent episodes."
The soldier-spirit in Joan was offended at this puerility.
"Your puerility never ceases to amaze me," he said, still acrimonious after our long silence.
But the other foot is rutted knee deep in the muck of perpetual puerility according to Hollywood.
There is not the universal passion for a magnified puerility among them it is customary to assume.
But under the circumstances I think you will see the puerility, not to mention the sheer inutility, of such a proceeding.
"What kind of puerility is this?"
Unfortunately, that stance quickly degenerated into a repressive formula: popularity equaled puerility.
While leaving, we might remain calmer, but still amazed by the mixture of exuberant invention and puerility."
When Labour's new leader addressed the party's conference last month, he turned on his tormentors for the puerility of their personal attacks on him.
He saw the puerility of his young conceptions, he saw the unreal world in which they had been conceived.
Whoever cooked up this ad is guilty of a disgraceful act of malicious puerility."
Some barely make it, and end up toting ignorance as baggage, a sniggering puerility about body parts and functions.
Beyond the revue's pervasive puerility, one could perceive a glimpse of a gleeful mischief - even pointed malice.
She seems as happy to chatter with two men as with one, and her conversation is "the same odd mixture of audacity and puerility."
"Sentimentalism begets puerility.
To strike out those powerful words - "The wretched refuse of your teeming shore" - is hardly a mere "puerility" or "silly censoring."
It is in many respects a typically Amis affair, an exercise in extreme fiction rescued from puerility by taut, cutting prose.
Some, including Katavasov, saw falsity, denunciation and deceit in the opposing side; the others - puerility and disrespect for authority.
The evidence for this theory springs to the eye: in what other age was there such puerility, such lack of race-experience, such reliance upon incoherent formulas?
And if he was intelligent, the needle would jump because of his suppressed mirth at the puerility of the legal mind for indulging in such nonsense."
What other conceivable purpose could there be in a place so ruined and spoiled, a place revelling in its own puerility and cruelty and ignorance?
Even a casual review of previous debates will show that these high-stakes showdowns are gushing fountains of misinformation, disinformation, posturing, prevarication and puerility.