Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Even when they did get cover in the past, the premiums were punitively high.
As we have seen, the current system taxes capital gains punitively.
For the employer to act less punitively would do her patient no favor.
Some of the increases made up for punitively low fees set by local regulators.
It would be equally easy to argue that baseball might have acted sooner or more punitively.
If we treat them too punitively, we'll just push them further underground.
Rather than accepting some countries and punitively ignoring others, we should be thinking in terms of a good neighbourhood policy.
But given what we have seen of call centers, we suspect that they are more likely to use the information punitively.
Key interest rates in France are above 11 percent, a level that many French business executives consider punitively high.
He seems to me punitively stupid, pleasureless, a real crank.
We are unlikely to follow the example of the Japanese, who tax their second-hand cars so punitively that you would be grateful to buy new.
People shouldn't be discouraged from working, and they should not be taxed punitively for doing so.
"If a company puts in a testing program without treatment available for troubled employees, testing is being used punitively," he said.
These users must be prevented, punitively if need be, from approaching this perilous state.
To look at this work is to feel perplexed and almost punitively deprived of esthetic gratification.
Other items would be very expensive in this country because of punitively high import duties on Soviet products, like automobiles and fine jewelry.
This was procreation-linked punitively to their sexual transgression.
In the original release of WoW it was almost punitively difficult to change your talents around.
Colonel Casanova has fired 30 unionists, had 10 others arrested and punitively transferred 80 union organizers.
Ms. Horn's vocal delivery is almost punitively pared down; the silence hangs heavily between her words.
In 1829, the Austrians punitively bombarded the city due to Moroccan piracy.
In an era of punitively verbose menus, this restaurant's is concise, to the point and largely unaffected.
Feeling resentful, we act punitively.
Norway bans British visitors from arriving with laden cars, all done to dodge the country's punitively high alcohol and food prices?
"School always reacted punitively to seniors once they got into college," Mr. Leviatin said.