Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
But then, I never picked him for a punster, either.
A 19th-century giant, he clearly believes, deserves better than a 21st-century punster.
"The night on which the worst punster gets his or her tab refunded."
Ben Carlton looked from one punster to the other, equally disgusted with both.
A gifted punster, Owens became known for his surrealistic humor.
Think like a punster, now, let yourself think literally.
It is a role-play exercise, with a punster and a recipient of wit.
The punster: a variable response, sometimes involving a name (Doctor)
What he finds is a profound punster, a trafficker in double meanings.
He is a pretty good punster, too.
The highest-scoring punster wins each event, with ties being decided by audience applause.
This is a somber James Bond, not the debonair punster of old.
Mezentio's man, along with his other depravities, fancied himself a punster.
Denning is an inveterate punster who frequently uses humor to get points across.
In addition to his warmth and kindness, Irving was notorious as an inveterate punster.
My friend, a punster, spotted the fact that the plate nicely violated the no "offensive" plates rule.
"Probably from the fact that we are 'engaged,' suggested Barnum, the inveterate punster.
Punster and anagrammarian, he is infatuated with language and with word games.
Best punster in the hospital.
I'd never picked you for a punster!"
Shakespeare's "quibbles" have made him a noted punster.
He is also an inveterate punster.
Clyde Zerubabbel was a punster of finance, a caricaturist of the 'whole money process'.
The only effort made to interlink the separate parts of the game is as follows: reality has somehow been altered around the town of Punster.
Elements of many of the preceding sections are mixed here as the player tries to convince Punster's mayor to sign a law.