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Everyone else has loved it for its pureness of heart.
The pureness of strains is difficult to keep if columbines are growing too close to one another.
Due to pureness of the water, one can see underwater life clearly 8-10 meters below the surface.
White: that was important to him, his whiteness, his pureness.
In order to assure a high level of pureness, the grains are sorted by hand and toasted.
"It's all about proportions, pureness and not being pretentious."
The depth was not there, the pureness of the emotion was flawed.
The white color symbolizes the peace, friendship, work, prosperity, pureness, faith.
There was a pureness, a joy, a spirit that I had never felt within those Garden walls.
Because of its pureness, it is even known as the "purest of the pure".
On the other hand, the racially neutral colour white has long been associated with pureness and virtue.
"Kizuna" was released only two months after her first single "Pureness".
Chris just has a pureness to his reading that is almost pre-Stanislavski."
The air was chilly too, and had a kind of pureness, and a sweet smell from the pines around.
The Gurus teach that one cannot be pure by washing his body but purity of mind is the real pureness.
Chapter Five details the "pureness of our fundamental nature":
She luxuriated in this pureness, but still there was so much about her that had changed, and she wanted to share it with him.
They believe that this devotion will provide pureness to earth and fulfill all the basic needs people cherish in their day-to-day life.
She has a pureness and otherworldliness that link her to the Virgin Mary.
To find herself admiring them, she will covet and strive for love or possessions with a pureness of purpose.
He pulled the heavy block of mithril from his pack, feeling its pureness and strength.
"Pureness" is Shiseido's oil control line introduced in 1995.
Consumer testing showed that the name is relaxing and suggests pureness and replenishment.
Only then did the ancient red dragon realize that it was now totally blind, its eyes utterly destroyed by the pureness of the power released.
And others suggest "People hope for pureness and longevity by eating tteokguk."