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On his purpling, swollen lips there was a brief, cold smile.
The show's purposeful purpling of the language is never condescending or mean; it's fun.
He pointed with a latex-gloved finger at the purpling of the lower leg and arm.
Her eyes were invisible in the puffy purpling of bruised flesh.
He laughed when his words were rewarded with a slight, indignant purpling of her face.
There was a distinct purpling of her right cheekbone.
A troubling toxic blood circulation effect causing a purpling of the face was seen in these tests.
In addition to this, the town had straight streets and Phoenician dye pits for the purpling of cloth.
Her eye was first caught by the swathe of gauze around her head and the purpling near her mouth, which swelled part of her lip.
So the day had died last night, with a little purpling of the sky--a little sobbing of the wind--then ashen nothingness and silence.
Against the purpling of the sky, against the openness and sweep of the dark brown hills, with its few lights the camp in the valley at Syskar appeared small, fragile... insignificant.
The purpling of jackets by frosh is considered a rite of passage, performed two nights before their final exam of the fall term, immediately after getting their jackets and kicking them home.
Until now, the Colonel's face had been drab, almost expressionless, but the purpling of his features, the narrowing dart of his eyes beneath a broad, high forehead, were the sort of characteristics to be remembered.
When they came home that night she and the servant-woman heated water and drew baths for them and afterwards they dealt with the wounds and the black and purpling bruises as best they could.
The full-body purpling is mostly done only by second-year students who are involved in frosh week facilitation, called "FRECs", an acronym derived from "Frosh Regulation Enforcement Committee [1]," although the original term remains only as a historical note.