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In 1988, she also published her own book, titled Pieces of a Puzzled Mind.
He was staring at Jimmy, with that Puzzled expression of a man who has seen someone before but can't remember where.
Seeing Puzzled incomprehension on his face, I decided to show him what I meant.
Puzzled children turned to the grownups and asked: "Daddy, Daddy, why are they fighting?
You Have the Right to Remain Puzzled (2006)
Puzzled art dealers, museum officials and art scholars are always asking: What kind of museum does the Getty aspire to become?
A Puzzled Painter, co-written with Francis Clement Philips, was published after his death.
Austrobatrachus foedus (Puzzled toadfish)
Koch Appears Puzzled In an interview yesterday, Mr. Koch said of the pension-plan switch: "I assume he did it on advice of his counsel.
Austrobatrachus foedus, the Puzzled toadfish, is a species of toadfish found along the Atlantic coast of South Africa.
A Puzzled French Diplomat This puzzles Richard Barbeyron, a French Embassy official in Washington who is coordinating Franco-American celebrations of the bicentennial.
Advisers Are Puzzled The effect of this is that college advisers, who over the years have developed a list of campuses that meet certain needs for different kinds of students, no longer know where to point their students.
Chairman Is Puzzled But, he added, "If there is something out there to cause Mr. Gates not to be qualified, I sure as heck wouldn't like to see us confirm him and have something come out later."
WITH A DEEPLY PUZZLED EXPRESSION, Kailea Vernius brought a shiny black packet to her brother.
After "Puzzled But Dancing", he continued to write and record music, which was described by the Keyboard Magazine as "assimilat[ing] the sometimes floating, sometimes driving drums of Indonesian music with catchy techno-pop hooks and winding post-minimalist patterns."
Puzzled champions of Mr. Cortines said that while he showed over the weekend that he had enormous public support, he then weakened himself by rescinding his resignation so quickly and without a greater concession from the Mayor than simply changing Mr. Badillo's title.
'kept," said Poirot, bowing' gracefully, Miss Lemon replied sadly that servants 'did not seem to know what elbow grease was nowadays, Poirot looked a little Puzzled, but decided not to inquire' into the inward meaning of the mysterious phrase "elbow 'grease."
Comment May Have Puzzled He also said, "People that care to know, know that," a comment that may have puzzled many viewers who before Tuesday had barely even heard of Mr. Quayle, let alone the episode in question.