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And now she could see the puzzlement on everyone's face.
The three before him looked at one another in puzzlement.
In the far back of his mind was a question, a puzzlement.
For a moment they looked at each other in puzzlement.
I started to tell him so, but he seemed to feel my puzzlement.
And there was a kind of puzzlement in his eyes.
She opened her eyes and looked at him in puzzlement.
But in him it took the form of a puzzlement.
Its final 15 minutes are going to cause a lot of puzzlement.
She was still looking at him, her brown eyes wide with puzzlement.
Then he turned and saw the puzzlement in the older boy's face.
His own life was a source of great puzzlement to him.
There was puzzlement on her face, and more, he thought.
The hurt was gone from her eyes, but not the puzzlement.
He looked at her in puzzlement and saw that she was serious.
She could sense his puzzlement, but each word was an effort.
When he stood up there was a look of puzzlement on his face.
I could almost feel his puzzlement like a play of energy along my skin.
Others around the table looked at him in surprise and puzzlement.
Mother noted the looks of puzzlement from all three children.
Brown said again, and there was complete puzzlement on his face.
Behind her, she could feel the mix of puzzlement and interest.
She shook her head a little, but only in puzzlement.
Their faces were very close and he saw the puzzlement in her eyes.
He shook his head in puzzlement, said good night, and went away.