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My natural inclination is to watch figure skating quadrennially.
Each winter games or summer games are held quadrennially.
These games also replaced the now redundant Nordic Games, that were held quadrennially since early in the century.
The 2011-12 school year marks a change in the classification period, as schools are reclassified in all class sports biennially instead of quadrennially.
The inaugural tournament was played in Eastbourne, England in 1963, and tournaments have since been played quadrennially.
Religious services for the whole Order are held quadrennially; new Knights and Dames Grand Cross are installed at these services.
It is awarded quadrennially, alternately for a paper published in: Proceedings A (Mathematics) or Transactions (Earth and Environmental Sciences).
The General Assembly, and thus the international Chair position, rotates between the four Inuit nations quadrennially at the General Assemblies.
This competition was distinct from the 2009 Chinese Figure Skating Championships, which is an annual competition; the Chinese National Games are held quadrennially.
Under Mr. Connor's legislation, the onerous petition rules that quadrennially trip up leading White House hopefuls, and make the Empire State look like a petty dictatorship, would be history.
A parallel event for women's teams, the FIBA World Championship for Women, is also held quadrennially, in the same year as the men's event, but in a different country.
The Central American and Caribbean Games (or CACs) are a multi-sport regional championship event, held quadrennially (every 4 years), typically in the even-numbered year between consecutive Summer Olympics.
The FIBA World Championship for Women (also called the Basketball World Championship for Women) is a world basketball tournament for women's national teams held quadrennially.
Presidential elections occur quadrennially (the count beginning with the year 1792) on Election Day, the Tuesday between November 2 and 8, coinciding with the general elections of various other federal, states and local races.
She sees Mr. Reed's questioning of some anti-abortion strategies, if nothing else, as a hint to voters that the party is not so monolithic as its platform plank supporting a constitutional ban on abortion quadrennially declares.
They quadrennially lie in wait to ambush and skewer White House hopefuls, especially those from the left, and they lost no time making their own sartorial observation about the man they refer to as "the very Un-Rev.
EIA-846A-C, Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey - Section 205(i) of the DOE Organization Act (the Act calls for a biennial survey; however, this survey is done quadrennially due to resource constraints).
The major international competitions in wheelchair rugby are Zone Championships, held in each odd-numbered year; World Championships, held quadrennially in even-numbered years (opposite the Summer Paralympic Games); and the Paralympic Games.
'Sound Bite' Is Nibbled Away The network evening news programs worry quadrennially about running Presidential candidate "sound bites" that are too short and lacking in context, and quadrennially they promise to do better.
At the State of the Union address at the Capitol Tuesday night, the prince watched with chagrin as the ex-Texas oilman urged breaking our dependence by replacing most Mideast oil imports with wood chips and ethanol, a word usually heard only quadrennially when pols pander during the Iowa caucuses.