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In order to continue the struggle, he deputed her as queen regent.
Upon this inception, she became the second Siamese queen regent.
Few voices were lifted in praise of the Queen Regent.
Tiffany admired the Queen Regent, and would have liked to be able to help her.
Knox knew that the Queen Regent would ask for help from France.
But none of us sail so close to the wind in sharp dealing as the Queen Regent!
"But the Queen Regent would want this royal whelp to be brought to her immediately!"
The Queen Regent started up from her seat, her face livid.
They presented a manifesto addressed to the Queen Regent.
Haelwig later acted as Queen Regent, probably 1290-1302 and 1320-1327.
Are you a man who serves the Queen Regent so faithfully that he would lay down his life for her?"
His mother Balthild acted as the queen regent until he came of age in 664, after which she was forced into a convent.
She did not rule as queen regent or queen mother but as a fully independent ruler.
Kaya Sultan tried to persuade the queen regent to revoke the decision.
With that, not only the nobility, but also the clergy, now despised the queen regent, beloved nevertheless of the populace.
In 1834 his now moderate opinions pointed him out to the queen regent, Maria Christina, as a useful man for office.
"But she is no fool, the Queen Regent.
"But I must speak to the Queen Regent.
Ledavardis did say that the Queen Regent would spare him, though heaven knows why.
Barbara was a lady-in-waiting to the Queen Regent.
In order to retain their hold on him, the queen regent, Marie de Medici refused to allow his library to be sent over.
She would remain Queen regent until Wilhelmina's eighteenth birthday on 31 August 1898.
"The Queen Regent is a brilliant strategist."
"I intend to usher die Queen Regent safely beyond just as soon as she is no longer of use to me."
My sister is Queen Regent.