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What a queer bird is a poem from the nineteenth century or before.
Casca shook his head, thinking that the man was sure a queer bird.
His politics matched his name, which made him a queer bird.
But then, I dare say Goldfarb's a bit of a queer bird all the way around.
That was a queer bird; he had never seen a bird with a wing action like that.
That Hodge is such a queer bird!
The queer birds were close enough now so that the difference between their fore-wings and the steadily beating hind wings could be made out.
He was a queer bird.
Well, Tarneverro's a queer bird, all right.
Literary critics are queer birds.
Queer bird, Dinny.
"Most Egyptologists are queer birds, Sergeant," Vance remarked consolingly.
Marcel is devilishly good looking, a queer bird, and has made himself the boon companion of every rich party boy in all of EuroDisney.
Ill tell you the secret of understanding that family, said Dandrich, and Ive watched them for years Not just for your queer birds in London, mind you.
British noirs also are heavily populated by eccentric characters, pointing up the truth of one police officer's statement that "if we started arresting queer birds, we'd take in half the country."
All I can say is that in Sargon Springs--that's our home town, Mr. Satterthwaite--that Countess would look a mighty queer bird.
Wells, with his jelly like creatures, Weinbaum, with his queer birds, Burroughs, with his menageries of curiosities, or Stapledon, with his intelligent clouds?
No one spoke, they just stared at the outline of the lighthouse covered in limewash, which we could just barely see.Then like out of the mist we saw three queer birds, too big in my belief for any normal sort of bird.