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Even in times of war, such quirkish behavior was a lump to swallow.
Woodrow gave a little smile, forgiving this quirkish formulation.
Josephson repressed the quirkish grin he was known for.
Scott's face took on a quirkish admiration and he rocked on a heel.
"As you pointed out," Spock answered, "enhanced phasers are quirkish.
He had adamantly refused to submit to Ocala Island's rather quirkish regen tank.
Dax indulged in a quirkish grin.
"Who the devil knows: we're looking for logical moves, but generals and admirals and emperors are usually more quirkish thanlogical.
But I insist that it's Hartford's funny, quirkish songs, rather than his banjo, that save me from continued boorishness."
A lieutenant or young post-captain might be expected to try to escape but rheumatic admirals, quirkish generals and bucolic landed gentry were unlikely to steal off across the Tuscan landscape, seeking their freedom.
But in the crowded and quirkish race for attorney general, the four candidates were focused on today's voting as they campaigned in bagel shops and at subway stops, on the Brooklyn Heights promenade and at the Staten Island Ferry Terminal.
Renata Adler praised the book in a review describing it as "a love story, a melodrama, an unresolved detective story, a melodrama, a soap opera, a vaudeville routine, and a very fine light novel by a stylist who can afford to give considerable rein to his rather quirkish imagination."