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Yet there is a dark side to this raffish glamour.
In the light, he saw a man with a raffish grin - no!
Can his newspaper stay raffish and be upscale at the same time?
He is a raffish character, even now, in his forties.
"He's led rather a raffish kind of life for the last nine years.
This close, the strong face with its bright green eyes had a raffish charm.
These raffish places gave a curious reporter something real to write about.
Miller developed his style and raffish stage persona during these years.
An old, tall, raffish gentleman got out of the wagon and came over to her.
He was afraid for her to travel to strange places among such a raffish crowd.
Women have no place in this raffish, shadowy nether world.
Maybe his smile was intended to be mysterious, but it ended up looking raffish.
Thus began the building's second life, as a raffish center for East Village artists.
His dark good looks had about them something raffish, sinister almost, which at once attracted and frightened her.
Privately some raffish men whispered to one another: "What a glorious way to go!"
That has sort of a raffish sound to it, don't you think?"
His felt hat, tipped at a raffish angle, was reflected as well.
The girl is Hilda, one of his many raffish or flighty women.
As she wandered through Nordstrom, a raffish display caught her eye.
They upgraded the food and wine while leaving the restaurant's raffish energy intact.
Of all such places, Santa Fe may well be the least raffish.
A bit of the raffish feeling lives on.
In the early 60's the island still had a slightly threadbare, raffish charm.
Edward was dressed impeccably, but he retained his raffish air.
"Probably because he was such a raffish sort in what the two of them refer to as his misspent youth."