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This was mainly due to a tropical rain belt that went too far up north.
The African shore slowly became drier as the "rain belts moved north".
The big Equatorial rain belts are moving northward, and they'll be here in a couple of months.
The tropical rain belt causes additional rainfall during the monsoon season.
When the monsoon ends in August, the rain belt moves back to South China.
From April to September, the rain belt lies in the northern hemisphere, and the southern tropics experience their dry season.
One New York paper referred to the Beavers as "peasants from the rain belt."
Rain belts, forced equator ward, quickened the deserts.
Surrounded by parched land, her garden contains the world's largest cycad trees which are in abundance under a spectacular rain belt.
Because of this, the Tropical rain belt may not have risen to its northern latitudes, thus causing an absence of seasonal rains.
The weather in the tropics is dominated by the tropical rain belt, which oscillates from the northern to the southern tropics over the course of the year.
She may be able to hang on for another six months, but next March, when the rain belts reach here, we won't even be able to get a helicopter in.
On the equator, there are two wet and two dry seasons as the rain belt passes over twice a year, once moving north and once moving south.
The Sphinx was long gone but identifiably artificial stumps of the Pyramids stood in the desolation that had encroached again after the rain belts moved back north.
CSF has focused on the world's tropical rain belt in Latin America, Africa, and Asia due to high amounts of biodiversity in those areas.
Temperatures at the Equator are up to one hundred and eighty degrees now, going up steadily, and the rain belts are continuous as high as the 20th parallel.
THE Methow Valley in north-central Washington is cross-country ski heaven - a Lillehammer for those of us in the rain belt.
Annually, the rain belt within the tropics marches northward by August, then moves back southward into the Southern Hemisphere by February and March.
The rain belt reaches roughly as far north as the Tropic of Cancer and as far south as the Tropic of Capricorn.
The tropical rain belt 'Changma front' is created in the Bay of Bengal and the western North Pacific as a sub-system of East Asian Monsoon.
The trucks had come down from Northeast full of tiny trees, thousands of seedlings raised in the Green Mountains, where it rained 41 vp to forty inches a year, the rain belt.
The tropical rain belt lies in the southern hemisphere roughly from October to March, and during this time the northern tropics experience a dry season in which precipitation is more rare, and days are typically sunny throughout.
With a rainy weather forecast for the Olympic night, and 90% humidity, the attempt "successfully intercepted a stretch of rain belt from moving towards the stadium..." said Guo Hu, head of the Beijing Municipal Meteorological Bureau.
Seasonal variations in tropical climate are dominated by changes in precipitation, which are in turn largely influenced by the tropical rain belt or Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), a portion of the Hadley cell.
It is however, severely threatened by climate change which has moved the winter rain belt south, and also by clearing for agriculture and through use of fertilizers, which is primarily driven by low land costs which make farming economic even with yields a fraction of those in Europe or North America.