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You look like a ratbag and as if you are half-starved.
Senor Ratbag - 3 months ago What a perfect match!
Got to work for dogs if it works for ratbag moggies.
During this period, Lamason described himself as "a bit of a ratbag".
Ratbag made a name for itself with its debut title Powerslide.
Another obstacle in tracks has been the conversion of those from the other games from Ratbag.
On 13 December 2005, employees at the studio were told that Ratbag was going to be closed by its parent company.
Yes, I am a snobby old ratbag, and please spell my second name with an A when you write to complain.
She said as a teenager he was a "major ratbag with a major mullet to match", but a genius at the same time.
Barker described his son as a "ratbag."
He is described by the Australian Dictionary of Biography as a "harmless ratbag".
My little ratbag is.
Anyway: in that school I was an independent young tomboyish ratbag + my peers were dignified ratbags.
'Yeah, what does she say, the old ratbag?'
With the arrival of the PlayStation 2 in late 2000, Ratbag saw an opportunity to move into the lucrative console market.
You jammy ratbag!
Leadfoot is a computer video game by the now defunct Ratbag Games [1].
Saturday Night Speedway is a video game developed by Ratbag Games and Atari.
Ratbag dropped the Leadfoot 2 title within a few months of Leadfoot's initial release.
On August 4, 2005, Midway acquired privately held Australian developer Ratbag Games.
"Damned old ratbag."
But I wish I'd been a snobby old ratbag with some power on the Inverness-shire County Council planning committee in the 60s.
'Let go my barnet, you old ratbag.'
Kay's political ideology was somewhat obscure and he has been described by the Australian Dictionary of Biography as a "harmless ratbag".
"When this connection was discovered," Colonel Morgan said, "it tremendously increased Intelligence interest in bringing this lifelong ratbag to justice.