Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Motorists have the highest rate of insurance in the country, 93%, tied with Pennsylvania.
There are many reasons for the low rates of insurance, including migratory labor, a large rural population and many low-wage workers in nonunion jobs.
There are two rates of Insurance Premium Tax:
FIRMs are used to set rates of insurance against risk of flood and whether buildings are insurable at all against flood.
This trend in women reporting higher rates of insurance coverage is not unique to this population and is representative of the general population of the US.
With the possible exception of Hawaii, Tennessee's population now has the highest rate of insurance coverage in the country, which has changed hundreds of thousands of lives for the better.
This concession does not apply where a contract of insurance is liable to the higher rate of insurance premium tax and provides for premiums to be paid on a monthly basis.
We hypothesized that hospital uncompensated care expenditures would be greater in states with higher percentages of foreign-born residents, lower rates of insurance coverage, and higher percentages of teaching hospitals.
Lloyd's of London has determined the Triangle to be no more dangerous than any other piece of the ocean, and does not charge unusual rates of insurance for passage through the area.
By these rules and regulations a great deal of order and organisation was brought to Liverpool's warehousing industry and in return for cooperating the warehouse owners enjoyed a preferential rate of insurance.
Reflecting such tensions, a 2002 study found that the rate of insurance claims for psychological disorders was twice as high for spouses of frequent travelers as for the spouses of nontravelers.
Read about applying the higher rate of Insurance Premium Tax in Notice IPT1 on the HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) website - Opens in a new window.
In their public remarks, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton try to avoid the jargon and details of the health care debate - issues like employer mandates, triggers and community rating of insurance premiums - so they can emphasize universal coverage.
The researchers attributed these failures to insufficient training in the treatment of addiction, doctors' frustration with afflicted patients, the common perception among doctors that treatment for substance abuse does not work, and a poor rate of insurance reimbursement for such services.
The notion being that by creating the exchange, you spread the risk across many populations, so that, like a huge corporation, you have an opportunity as an individual purchaser or small business to participate in a large pool and accept the lower rate of insurance.
While the primary cause of falling rates of insurance is the rising cost of health care for employers, the economic downturn since 2008 has swelled the ranks of the uninsured, in large part because workers who lose their jobs also lose employer-sponsored insurance.
"A New York Stock Exchange Industry Comparative Study: Ten-year Price-earnings Multiples and Compound growth rates of insurance, oil-crude production, and retail food chains", Chaney, Warren H., in Stock Price Forecasting, St. Mary's University, 1970.
Sean Mooney, an economist with the Insurance Information Institute, said New York City's overall automobile insurance rates ranked near the top for big cities, but trailed far behind Los Angeles, which has the country's highest rates because its drivers are known for being litigious and it has a high rate of insurance fraud.
The grant was awarded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which is addressing racial disparities in health care, including higher rates of infant death among babies born to black women compared with those born to whites and lower rates of insurance coverage among blacks, Hispanics and Asians, compared with whites.