Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
He had a ready wit and a modest manner that won him many friends.
With his ready wit, he quickly won acceptance in Portland's business community.
Now that I need you with your glib words and ready wit.
One of her favorite things was teaching Rosalind, who had a quick mind and a ready wit.
The arresting officer was not impressed by my ready wit.
Only ready wit, that's the only thing that will save me.
Even many blacks could not perform well at the dozens, lacking the ready wit.
The Berlin taxi drivers were famous for their humor and ready wit.
John Winthrop described her as "a woman of ready wit and bold spirit".
Rather than lose his focus, though, Duffy fell back on his ready wit.
Thy ready wit the word will soon supply, May its approval beam in that soft eye!
He has a ready wit but never smiles.
When they had finished shouting the people began to criticise, finding much in the appearance of this pair that moved their ready wit.
His ready wit had not deserted the solicitor.
What interests her about the Restoration, apparently, is its brutal spirit, not its ready wit.
Marsha possessed keen intellect, ready wit and a sweet character.
You'd want her supply of ready wit, too.
Zeb had been a handsome man, with a ready wit that endeared him to everyone.
Now for a moment the king was silenced, while a murmur of applause at her ready wit went round the audience.
Clare is complex, often sarcastic, with a ready wit.
Kadirgamar was known for his combative and ready wit.
Nature had already made her so pretty, and given her such a ready wit of her own, that she will do perfectly well without me.
She missed his ready wit and thoughtful conversation.
He displayed on these occasions a ready wit, and a considerable talent for popular oratory.
Another embassy official recalled his "youthful exuberance" and "ready wit."