Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Rooney worked, of course, so her readying was all interior.
He ought to hate the man who was readying this fleet, these soldiers.
Karthik, who was just readying to go home, comes back and is able to save Imman.
The Administration is readying a second resolution calling for an arms embargo against whichever side rejects the cease-fire.
So now the researchers are readying their next project, in which they will populate the Massachusetts campus with students wearing slings.
Theresa and Dirk had finished their readying and started their walk forward.
It was obvious to anyone that the ragged crowd milling below was no army readying for an attack.
The Art Club assists in readying the art projects for shows and meets several times each year.
She is credited with readying IBM Watson for commercial use.
Alvar felt ashamed: she wasn't reacting emotionally, as a woman, she was simply readying herself, physician of a company about to go into battle.
With Swan's contingent readying for speedy departure, Gil stepped inside to fetch his baggage.
Seething emblems flashed preparations that Lark read with dismay-the readying of weapons, powering up for use.
Ahead of them, dust puffed as groups of riders passed before and be-hind the tankers, readying the column for departure.
Several men were setting up easels and tables around a chaise longue in the middle of the room on which a Rubenesque model was readying herself.
No genius can recite a ballad at first reading, so well as mediocrity can at the fifteenth or twentieth readying.
As Lalu is readying Eleanor for naptime, Brittany comes in saying that Jeanette stole and ate her lipstick.
Kaspersky Lab: Microsoft Readying Real Time Hosted Threat Intelligence Feed (
Rincewind spun round to see the archdruid readying his sickle for another swing and, in the absence of any hope of running away, lashed out desperately with a foot.
Bald as a peanut, he was darting around a rehearsal room at Carnegie Hall waving his baton recently, readying his troops for a production of "Trial by Jury."
The Muslims retaliated by readying a large force of 15,000 who promptly set out to retake the city under command of the veteran Amr ibn Al-Asi.
While the three shuttles themselves were in buildings that did not sustain major damage, the eight-acre hangar, known as the Vehicle Assembly Building, is critical to readying them for flight.
The young warriors threw in groups of four or five, lining themselves along the mark, readying themselves as if they had trained for life, and not simply two months of evenings in the forest.
Matlock swallowed, seemingly readying himself for the effort of telling them, but instead, when he opened his mouth, all that issued was a splutter of thickened arterial blood, followed by a pitiful final exhale.
We spent the next days readying weapons and horses for the journey to the coast, waiting for the day of our departure, and salving Lord Calbha's bruised pride at not being included among the warband.
Sabrina numbly endured the storm of activity around her as the women of Clan Duncan burst into action, readying for guests who would travel from miles away, and preparing food and drink for the wedding feast.