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It was under spring tension and returned to its original rearward position.
If the trigger is released the bolt will remain in the rearward position.
The barrel will stop in a rearward position.
The design provides slide catch holding the bolt after firing the last bullet in the rearward position.
"Sternorrhyncha" refers to the rearward position of the mouthparts relative to the head.
The bolt retracts to the rearward position, ready to strip the next cartridge from the magazine.
If it tilts, it is measured in the most rearward position, farthest from the back of the head.
Sustaining heavy losses, the Sri Lankan troops fell back to the rearward positions.
A side effect of this extreme rearward position was that the pilot had even worse forward visibility while taxiing than most other taildraggers.
Move the slide to the rear to re-seat the slide and lock it in the rearward position on the frame.
The extractors remain in the rearward position to lock the breechblock in the open position.
Their rearward position also pushes the recoiling element forward on the mount, maximizing relative rearward span of the stabilizers and so stability during recoil.
The MG 42 fires from an open bolt, meaning the bolt (not just the firing pin) is held in a rearward position when the trigger is not depressed.
The breakthrough into the hostile position at noon, as well as the breakthrough into the summit position in the evening, took place without artillery or heavy machine-gun support from rearward positions.
Some models are called sliding-fifth-wheel hitches because the entire hitch assembly can be rolled from its forward towing position to a more rearward position for backing up and maneuvering in tight situations.
Once the trunk is fully developed, the larva undergoes "tail shift", in which the tail moves from a rearward position to a ventral orientation and twists 90 degrees relative to the trunk.
To the right and in front of us hand grenade fights were in progress, and from rearward positions French machine guns swept the battlefield in all directions and forced us to take cover.
Two separate safety systems are fitted: the fire selector lever has a "safe" position that locks the bolt in either the forward or rearward positions, while a grip safety is fitted behind the magazine housing.
Despite heavy bombardment by egg-tossers and fierce attacks from Unkerlanter dragons and behemoths, his Majesty's forces withdrew to already prepared rearward positions, yielding only about a mile of ground and shortening their lines in the process.' "
Since Jevscek was fortified on the east side, and the enemy was in position on the slopes northwest of Jevscek and southeast as far as Polava, we were dealing with an Italian rearward position prepared long ago with the aim of blocking a penetration through the Luico pass.
Interference with the horse's shoulder blades as it extends the forelegs, folds the legs over fences, or when the leading leg in canter or gallop is in the most rearward position (the top of the shoulder blade can move a full one and a half inches backwards from the standing position during canter and gallop).