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The "rebirthing" is meant to create a bond between mother and child.
Rebirthing, we were told, offered a superabundance of all good things with no sacrifice whatsoever.
I signed up for a rebirthing.
Our young ones will have a rebirthing and will rejoin us here in the ville of Quindley."
"Cognitive, Affective and Physiological Outcomes of Rebirthing".
"Rebirthing" is a song by the Christian rock band Skillet, and it is the first single off their seventh album Comatose.
Ms. Hoey's intriguing photograph, "Rebirthing" (2002), shows a young, pregnant woman in a grassy field surrounded by a group of women in white.
Rajski, P. 2002, "Alcoholism and Rebirthing."
At the end of the training - a weekend seminar on the philosophy of Rebirthing - all 200 were in each other 's arms, many crying with happiness.
Outwardly, Ms. Gomez would seem to have more cause for anxiety, but, as she confesses, she has gone through "a rebirthing" and has "found my child within."
During the 1980s, he conducted Integrative Rebirthing and Vivation seminars jointly with his wife, Anne Jill Leonard.
First known as Integrative Rebirthing, Vivation is a form of meditation whose primary aim is the permanent and pleasurable resolution of suppressed negative emotions.
During his tenure with the Boston Red Sox and Cleveland Indians, Masterson's entrance song has been Skillet's "Rebirthing".
The rebirthing of the second circuit is (relatively) complete when the Bottom Dog subject begins to seek, sincerely (not hypocritically) to win the approval of the Top Dogs.
Should've When You Could've Collide Believe Sometimes Open Wounds Forsaken Rebirthing (Album Version)
A related technique called Rebirthing Breathwork was developed by Leonard Orr (born 1937); and Core process psychotherapy trainees relive presumed birth trauma as part of their training.
Initially, he called his process Integrative Rebirthing, but later changed it to Vivation because of key differences between his process and Rebirthing.
Skillet Song: Rebirthing Option Subtitles: English Lyrics, Traducción/Traducido en Español ...
A music video was shot for this video at the same time as the video for "Rebirthing", and the two were released around the CD release at the same time.
Nevertheless, in spite of earlier uneasiness, my rebirthing and Leboyer-Lamaze experiences persuaded me that in the Land of the Pregnant, no husband should be treated as a second-class citizen.
These therapies have little or no evidence base and vary from talking or play therapies to more extreme forms of physical and coercive techniques, of which the best known are holding therapy, Rebirthing (attachment therapy), rage-reduction and the Evergreen model.
The mother of an adopted girl who died in a therapy known as rebirthing has agreed to plead guilty to child abuse in exchange for no jail time and a promise that her conviction will be expunged if she commits no crimes in the next four years.
The term "Rebirthing" drew unfavorable attention in 2001 when several therapists using techniques strongly opposed by most rebirthing-breathwork practitioners, were sentenced to 16 years in prison for suffocating a 10-year-old Colorado girl during a 'rebirthing' session that was part of a two week attachment therapy intensive.