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Comparing the recaptures with the original data on the marked animals released, have some morphs survived better than others?
The park is one of several waterfront projects that Riverfront Recapture has seen actualized.
Problems with fishery interaction were eliminated, as 90% of the recaptures were in the local area.
After 13 cd, Nikolic had an important choice of strategic recaptures.
Most successful was the culmination of a twenty five year effort through the well-regarded Riverfront Recapture initiative.
The Riverfront Recapture Project has been working to reconnect the downtown to the water by creating a network of public recreation facilities.
This group was established systematically during the German campaigns and later collapsed gradually due to the recaptures of the Allied Forces.
Annual patterns in the timing and occurrence of recaptures strongly suggest barred sand bass visit the same spawning grounds year after year.
Until April 9, 1981, when Riverfront Recapture was formed to be an advocate for reopening access to the Connecticut.
They marked each insect with a dot of cellulose paint so that it was possible to tell the date of first capture and any subsequent recaptures.
Riverfront Recapture and Park - The park connects the downtown with the Connecticut River.
Western part was afforested, then opened for the public in 1936 for the 250th anniversary of Buda's Recapture.
Between 1962 and 1967 in Pennsylvania, annual survival of breeding eastern towhees calculated from mistnetting recaptures was 58%.
At Riverfront Recapture, a nonprofit organization in Hartford, high school students have been building and using boats since 1988, with recent products including three 16-foot dories.
Mars Base deploys the Second Earth Recapture Force three years later but suffers a similar fate as the first fleet.
Future plans include increased access to water from a seven-mile pipeline extending from Recapture Reservoir to White Mesa.
She conducted routine patrols during the latter part of the Quasi-War and made several recaptures of American merchant ships.
The Recapture Lodge had been Bluff's center of hospitality for as long as Leaphorn could remember.
"People have to feel comfortable and secure," said Joseph R. Marfuggi, director of Riverfront Recapture.
No Soviet Role in Recapture The Afghan leader said the rebels looted shops, killed innocent people and plundered public property.
Juan Bautista de Maino,The Recapture of Bahia, 1635, oil on canvas.
Lincoln espoused the flyways concept of avian migration and introduced the Lincoln index method for estimating bird abundance from recaptures.
Riverfront Recapture has a campaign underway to raise another $14.3 million for construction of riverside walkways north to Windsor and south to Wethersfield.
Hartford has spotlighted the sport in the last few years with rowing lessons at Riverfront Recapture, a shoreline revitalization organization on the Connecticut River.