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Another version would include substantial new construction and reconfiguring of the theaters.
Those terms included a new wage system based on merit and a reconfiguring of sick time.
But a reduction in staffing also resulted from the reconfiguring of the factory and its operation.
But this reconfiguring of our relationship will be driven by their ambition, their pace.
Impressive as it is, this work is nonetheless a reconfiguring of known quantities.
It's going to take a little time and some significant reconfiguring, but I think with Data's speed, we can do it."
But it has just undergone an ambitious 22-month, $36.7 million restoration and expansion that included a complete reconfiguring of the stage.
The results of that reconfiguring are becoming apparent: Profits were stronger in the first half of the year than they have been since 1987.
New space allows a reconfiguring of the existing Aquarium:
The airline is reconfiguring 57 planes and will also have the new seating on 14 Boeing 777's scheduled for delivery starting in spring.
Klein's exit feels bigger somehow: more reconfiguring, more uncomfortably borne.
It's similar to the message he preached at United Way, where he spent three years righting the books and reconfiguring the mission.
Cassidy completed the reconfiguring of power channels in the Zenith 1 patch panel which are used for the control moment gyroscopes.
Trans-Asia acquired this ship in the early 2010 and completed reconfiguring the vessel on December, 2010.
Structural shifts can result in invasions by harmful organisms, species collapse and a radical reconfiguring of the biogeochemical cycles.
How this was accomplished represents a benchmark in the reconfiguring of Broadway musical theater tradition by movie-style Disney corporate culture.
So the Philharmonic must content itself with reconfiguring the auditorium within the existing structure, with no guarantee that the acoustics will be improved.
But he claimed to be the first modern designer to use bent wood, and his chairs may cause some reconfiguring of the origins of modernist design.
The plan would also require reconfiguring of air traffic over the region to accommodate two large airports and reduce flights at the city's smaller Midway Airport.
How to control and manage immigration is now Europe's most volatile issue, reconfiguring political loyalties from Oslo to Seville.
His alternations worked well, as did his reconfiguring of the orchestration of the Faure Requiem.
This encouraged Secretary Leavitt to mobilize the nation's pandemic preparedness and led to the reconfiguring of the nation's medical emergency plans.
At Grey Advertising, the "reconfiguring" of the work force, as Edward H. Meyer, the company's chairman put it, is a case in point.
Plans call for four new buildings, new paving, lighting, landscape, directory signs and a reconfiguring of the 100,000 square-foot parking lot, which will hold 427 cars.
These modifications included the removal of the umbilical tower, the reconfiguring of three exhaust holes, and amendments to the electrical and mechanical ground support systems.