Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Reductions in the number of employees are also under way at large hospital suppliers like Baxter International.
The greater degree of automation led to significant reductions in the number of employees involved in the printing process.
Analysts said they expected substantial reductions in the number of employees at Keebler's headquarters in Elmhurst, Ill.
Companies, meanwhile, are substituting other stock plans for stock options, frequently with lower net accounting costs or a reduction in the number of employees eligible, he noted.
Synergies between the two companies, in particular reductions in the number of employees, could generate savings of about £200 million a year beginning in 2005, UBS estimates.
The plan involved a reduction in the number of production units, and a significant reduction in the number of employees both in Norway and in Sweden.
Most cities are experiencing an abundance of empty buildings because of corporate downsizing, reductions in the numbers of employees and space formerly required to operate in the corporate playground.
Both numbers exclude special gains and charges, including $422.2 million in pretax revamping charges during the fourth quarter of 1999, which were attributed mainly to a continued reduction in the number of employees.
If the reason for dismissal is your employer's desire to run the business cost-effectively and not because of any reduction in the number of employees needed to carry out your particular functions, you will not be redundant.
But under John Buzzetta, who acquired the paper about a year ago from William Dean Singleton, Sunday circulation has increased somewhat even as the operation has been tightened by steps like a 10 percent reduction in the number of employees.
Mr. Schreyer and Mr. Tully said yesterday that although no targets had been set for the reduction in the number of employees at Merrill, the decrease in the firm's head count could well reach about 3,000 before the end of this year.
In Britain there was a significant reduction in the number of employees eligible for employment protection, so that to be within the terms of the Employment Protection Act, they had to be working for two years instead of, as previously, six months.
There is to be an overall reduction in the number of employees with the status of officials and an increase on fixed-term contracts, not to mention the hundreds of workers already in precarious working conditions, such as sub-contractors and workers forced to work part time.
A lanky, genial man whose close-cropped hair has turned grayer in the last 18 months, Mr. Ricke favors incremental, often painful, steps: cutting costs, through a deep reduction in the number of employees, selling off extraneous assets, and raising profits in basic services.
Flexibility on Reductions Yesterday, Mr. Purcell said that the sales contract between Mr. Murdoch and Mr. Kalikow could be satisfied "through a combination of efforts, including the reduction in the number of employees, wage cuts and the accompanying reduction in fringe benefits."