Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Typically the transmitter adds a redundancy check number to the end of each frame.
The receiver uses the redundancy check number to check for possible damage.
It makes heavy use of cyclic redundancy check codes to detect errors.
A. A cyclic redundancy check is the computer's way of looking for errors that may have occurred during data transfers.
The transverse redundancy check is stored on a dedicated "parity track".
The current text in Cyclic redundancy check does not show the polynomial representation.
It is a kind of redundancy check.
Numerous varieties of cyclic redundancy checks have been incorporated into technical standards.
So many packets use a checksum or cyclic redundancy check to make sure they got the right information.
"The algorithm uses a write-before-erase protocol to afford a redundancy check for accuracy."
The frame ends with a 32-bit cyclic redundancy check, which is used to detect corruption of data in transit.
In a parallel bus, there is one longitudinal redundancy check bit per parallel signal.
In addition, a redundancy check (checksum) was added to validate the integrity of the identifier.
Parity in this form, applied across multiple parallel signals, is known as a transverse redundancy check.
This makes it possible to use codes such as Cyclic redundancy checks, which can detect, and sometimes repair an error.
The final character encoded in a magnetic stripe card is a computed Longitudinal redundancy check.
This can be combined with parity computed over multiple bits sent on a single signal, a longitudinal redundancy check.
Checksum schemes include parity bits, check digits, and longitudinal redundancy checks.
Compared to a cyclic redundancy check of the same length, it trades reliability for speed (preferring the latter).
The receiving terminal replies with , or if the longitudinal redundancy check indicates a transmission error.
The code takes the form of a 6-bit cyclic redundancy check (CRC).
Special hardware assisted in the calculation of a cyclic redundancy check for detection of transmission errors.
Check Digit Verification - A form of redundancy check used for error detection.
Better ways (algorithms) of calculating a checksum are a Hamming code, or a cyclic redundancy check.
Data error (cyclic redundancy check)."