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"We can now say the traditional Stalinist model is not reformable."
They are not reformable, because it is not in their interest to reform.
"I don't think corporate America is reformable," she said.
She is scornful of the presumption that men who have committed violence against women are reformable.
What binds the four arguments together is that they deal with aspects of television that are not reformable.
"The party had long since outlived its usefulness, and it was not reformable - too inextricably bound up with the totalitarian state."
Mackenzie now came to believe that the union of the two Canadas had been such a disaster that he thought it was no longer reformable.
Rock-and-roll, then only three years old, was thought to be a reformable juvenile delinquent in a broader pop field that most cultural commentators regarded as kitsch.
Conformable cable is a flexible reformable alternative to semi-rigid coaxial cable used where flexibility is required.
But once we have horses, this will, I venture to predict, become a proper colony-and not just a place to send reformable evildoers and to obtain raw pharmaceuticals."
Scargill had long criticised Poland's Solidarity trade union for its attacks upon the communist system in Poland, which Scargill saw as deformed but reformable.
Sovereigntists are moderate nationalists who do not believe Canada to be reformable in a way that could answer what they see as the legitimate wish of Quebecers to govern themselves freely.
But Gorbachev's reforms were undermined by structural contradictions in the economy and the one-party state, as Kotkin demonstrates, although it is unclear whether he believes the system was reformable at all.
But Senator Hatch said the mandates were adopted at a time when juvenile crime was less violent than at present, and when young offenders were thought to be more easily reformable.
WHILE few revelations are as chilling for parents as the news of parish priests who have been molesting children, research reported last week suggests that many child molesters are reformable.
"Public education is reformable," declared David Grissmer, the principal author of the book-length study published by the Rand Corporation, a policy and research group based in Santa Monica, Calif.
Isn't it punishment for New York taxpayers to spend $35,000 a year for the next 20 years for someone who won't contribute to society and who will occupy a space that could be used to detain a reformable individual?
Although suitable for reformable generally middle-class women the reformatories were ill suited for the alcoholic or mentally ill patients often from the working-classes who, were regarded by some as having, 'sabotaged or subverted the system'.
Steel and aluminum cases do not have the correct qualities for reloading, so a brass case is essential (although nickel plated brass cases, while not as reformable as plain brass, can also be reloaded)
In "Hell's Hinges," released in 1916 by the New York Motion Picture Company, William S. Hart stars as a "reformable man," Mr. Simmon writes, "who first reads the Bible entranced, cigarette and liquor at hand."
Vowing that the police department is "completely reformable," Mr. Garay has ousted some subordinates suspected of wrongdoing, encouraged citizens to press charges against officers who solicit bribes, and made it his style to surprise his commanders with unannounced visits to station houses.
The last chapter, Progress and Palindrome, points out that "the solution lies not in making punishments more severe, but in making them more certain and in relating them to each individual criminal, so that if he is reformable he may be reformed."
"I don't know how much stronger a case you have to have that this man is a very dangerous player in international politics, and that he is not reformable," says Condoleezza Rice, the national security adviser, citing the times Mr. Hussein has used chemical weapons, bamboozled inspectors and built nuclear complexes.