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In order to best manage symptoms of the person with the disease, refraining from consuming alcohol is essential.
Refraining from tapping the button refills the meter just as quickly.
She tends toward pescetarianism (eating fish but refraining from eating other animals).
Obligatory infidelity is based on fear, a fear that refraining from someone's sexual advances will result in rejection.
Frequent hand washing is the best preventive, along with refraining from sharing cups, glasses and utensils with anyone who may have the virus.
Some of the famines include not eating food, not using first world technology such as television, refraining from talking, and not using furniture.
She "kept things from becoming overwhelming" by refraining from cross-connecting her producing, songwriting and performing duties.
In Overeaters Anonymous, abstinence is "the action of refraining from compulsive eating while working towards or maintaining a healthy body weight."
In addition to refraining from physical contact with her, the woman's husband may not look at parts of her that are normally covered, in order to maintain Tznius.
He believed, however, that by refraining from any mention of The Shadow, he would aid the cloaked investigator in the search for an actual master of murder.
In the months leading to the election, the Administration gambled that by refraining from strong policy pronouncements about the election it would help promote the democratic process in Haiti.
I think it is important to say again and again that we should underline to our Israeli partners the importance of refraining from any action that may prejudice final status negotiations.
Not every newly certified instructor can evaluate the condition of every new trainee in their class and recommend refraining from doing certain poses or using appropriate props to avoid injuries.
Both sides were on their best behavior, with Argentine officials refraining from the attacks on the I.M.F. that were common under Mr. Kirchner's predecessor, Eduardo Duhalde.
She said, "We hope to experience this transition as privately as possible," and added, "I would personally be very grateful for your support in refraining from drawing derogatory, hurtful, sensationalized or untrue conclusions."
Mr. Ahmadinejad has emerged, at least in words, as a defender of women's rights, trying unsuccessfully to allow them into stadiums for the first time since 1979 and refraining from cracking down on women in relatively revealing dress.
Quigley quotes The Financial Times, 1921: "Half a dozen men at the top of the Big Five Banks could upset the whole fabric of government finance by refraining from renewing Treasury Bills."
Western diplomats who were aware of the contacts said United States officials were walking a fine line between seeking to understand the goals and nature of the opposition group and refraining from any official relationship with a known terrorist organization.
Regulatory control, however, is concerned for the most part with organizational deviance, and with many activities in which compliance does not reside simply in refraining from an act, but in positively doing something to remedy a state of affairs.
Attending religious services regularly may be as big a factor in increasing longevity as refraining from smoking cigarettes, a psychiatrist at Duke University has concluded after studying 4,000 North Carolina residents ages 64 and older over a six-year period.
Explanations of how this could be achieved vary, but sometimes include aspects such as refraining from killing or tasting meat for a thousand days, or obtaining a cintamani and making sure that the Yeoiju saw the full moon at least every month during the ordeal.
The South Korean government contends that it is putting a priority on peace on the Korean peninsula by refraining from spotlighting human rights violations by the North Korean government, which regards such criticism as a threat to its hold on power.
According to Ghil'ad Zuckermann, "iconicity might be the reason for refraining from translating Hallelujah and Amen in so many languages, as if the sounds of such basic religious notions have to do with their referents themselves - as if by losing the sound, one might lose the meaning.
The service, Mr. Park argued, could either consist in the grant of a sub-licence which enabled the operator to do in Vancouver what he could not otherwise lawfully do or could consist in the refraining by the taxpayer from stopping the grantee doing what he could otherwise be stopped from doing.
Such neutralisation should provide for 'the elimination of military blocs and foreign military bases, the withdrawal of foreign armed forces, the respect for sovereignty and the territorial integrity of the countries of the region, refraining from acts threatening the security of neighbours, the protection of economic interests against the interference of foreign monopolies'.