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I regathered and caught up with him at the steps.
It's no place for us to stay and regather our strength.
Sometimes you've got to step aside and regather your thoughts.
They needed to regather their thoughts about what it all meant.
And once regathered under the command of Ross the smith, they were to go home.
The halftime break appeared to have given them the chance to regather themselves.
He allowed a moment or two to regather his poise.
We just rely on our ability to take the hit, regather ourselves and stand firm.
We were in the act of trying to regather the ball to score a try and he was just deliberately taken out.
A further crackling while the voice the other end seemed to regather strength.
Deciding the danger was gone, she went to regather her followers.
Just regather yourself and your players, go through the classic rituals of recovery.
Rest yourself now and regather your strength, then plan what you do not care to leave behind you.
He waited another two years to regather his strength.
Ball chipped ahead, regathered and scored an excellent individual try.
The only member of the club before Imamura helps her regather the old members.
James Madison was able to regather 21 vessels of the convoy.
That night, the group regathered for an outdoor barbecue.
After spending more than a month on the sidelines, the 28-year-old has failed to regather the momentum he built late last year.
After a terrible start in the 100m, he regathered himself well in the middle part of the race, to catch the leaders.
As he struggled, the witnesses said, the angel's hair released him, regathered, and rose into the air.
Later that night the wind dropped, the clouds regathered, and rain fell, slow as tears.
He paused to regather his strength and assume an air of outraged dignity.
The Scarlets regathered possession and ran through a couple of phases.
Then the silence, regathered and locked into place, strained at their ears in triumph.