Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
"Why don't we just make it legal to reimport the drugs?"
It is therefore less confusing to let iTunes reimport, reorganize, and rename all of the files after they are backed up.
Thus it is possible to convert Word documents to an XML format and reimport them.
At the same cost, Bhutan also hoped to reimport some of that power through the Indian power grid into southern districts.
The bill would allow pharmacies and wholesale distributors to buy prescription drugs abroad, reimport them and sell them at a lower cost.
"Gmail contacts-being able to export them and reimport an edited version, without duplicating every single one," says one idea.
In a move intended to lower drug costs at home, Congress has passed a bill that will let anyone reimport American prescription drugs sold more cheaply overseas.
Mr. Lu of Nichem said he had decided to ship the materials back but would try to reimport them via another shipper.
The agriculture bill includes a measure to allow pharmacies and wholesalers to reimport cheaply priced American-made prescription drugs that had been exported, with certain restrictions.
Users upgrading from other non-US editions must manually export and reimport their accounts, and may have to re-enter certain information by hand.
I wish to reimport goods that I previously exported from the EU, will I be required to pay import charges?
If you reimport the goods to end-use again, you can claim relief from paying a reduced rate of duty under end-use by using RGR.
In order to crop a picture so imported, one must return to the original graphics package, work on it there and then reimport the altered picture to the desktop publishing software.
Bear in mind that a claim to RGR does not override any import prohibition or restriction which may be in force for the goods you intend to reimport.
Outward Processing Trade - concerned with the temporary export of textiles to certain Eastern European countries for processing and reimport into the European Union (EU).
It tells you about Returned Goods Relief (RGR), and explains how you can reimport goods in the same state they were in on previous export from:
He said of the president's opposition to legislation to reimport American-made drugs from Canada, passed by the Senate: "I thought these were the people who believed in the marketplace, in fair competition.
Studios with stuff in progress would have had to basically reimport all their footage again and start over from step 2 - if they still had the original files to reimport.
If you reimport goods in the same state they were in on previous export, you may be able to obtain partial or total relief from import charges, provided that you can satisfy certain conditions.
Consumer groups gave the plan to reimport prescription medicines from countries like Canada or Mexico a tepid thumbs up yesterday, saying they would continue to push elected officials to do more to rein in drug prices.
Customs: Importing returned goods free of duty and tax Find out how to reimport goods in the same state they were in on previous export and obtain total or partial relief from customs charges.
He has pushed legislation that he said would allow American pharmacists and distributors to "reimport" prescription drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration from Canada and Mexico and sell them at lower costs.
It would also have served to bring skilled craftspeople with technical skills from Mangareva's large population to Pitcairn and Henderson, and to reimport crops that by chance had died out in Pitcairn's and Henderson's small cultivable areas.
If you reimport such goods you can claim customs duty and CAP RGR as long as you meet the conditions in the checklists at sections 5 and 7 as appropriate, and you present the following with your import declaration:
If you do not reimport the goods to end-use again, you can use RGR to reduce the amount of duty due on reimport by an amount equal to any duty paid under end-use at the time of previous importation.