Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
This makes it possible to do the same work on different platforms without much relearning of the interface.
But to achieve such greatness is going to require a much more fundamental relearning than he realizes.
It also means some relearning, thanks to features that Microsoft has moved, removed or rejiggered.
Okapi was certainly easy to use and most people found that it needed minimal learning and relearning.
However, following a year of focused rehabilitation and relearning of technique, she was able to continue performing.
Humans can effortlessly change the focus from object to object without requiring relearning.
In other words, flexibility is an absolute must, and lifelong learning - constant relearning - is a necessity.
Psychoeducation in behavior therapy has its origin in the patient's relearning of emotional and social skills.
The Latter-day Saints church stresses now the relearning and preserving of cultural heritage.
Like Houston's listing of her achievements, this constant relearning of the same lesson seems self-indulgent.
In short, graduating from a traditional iPod to a color iPod involves virtually no relearning.
He pitched much more effectively after the trade deadline by relearning to trust his fastball on the outside corner, when facing right-handed batters.
They proposed a multisensory treatment (auditive and somatosensory sense) and published their papers as sensory relearning.
The problem with phobic people is that they always leave as soon as they get anxious, so they never undergo emotional relearning."
Spacing out the learning and relearning of items leads to a more effortful retrieval which provides for deeper processing of the item.
There were forty pupils there--a few of them farmers, relearning their trade, the rest young men mainly from the cities--novices.
And all doing of magic, all wizardry, hangs still upon the knowledge -the relearning, the remembering- of that true and ancient language of the Making.
Despite meticulously relearning all the missing details concerning her first brawn, Fanine, all the relevant facts, where the assignments had taken them, these were just facts.
Biodanza is defined as a "human integration system of organic renewal, of affective re-education,and of relearning of Life's original functions.
It was, Plath wrote, "a religious act," "a reforming, a relearning and reloving of people and the world as they are and as they might be."
But in a "contadino" agriculture - which means small farm, artisan, you could say - what they're working for is there to be a relearning of this entity, this market.
To facilitate the relearning of numbers through dictation, squares were used to place the numbers in space, and the concepts of hierarchy were practiced permanently (units, tens, hundreds, etc.).
Recent research by Krystal B. Huxlin and others on the relearning of complex visual motion following V1 damage has offered potentially promising treatments for individuals with acquired cortical blindness.
If he doesn't do that relearning, he not only will miss out on the personal greatness to which he aspires, but he also will plunge Israel into a very, very serious crisis.
Stroke rehabilitation is the process by which those with disabling strokes undergo treatment to help them return to normal life as much as possible by regaining and relearning the skills of everyday living.