Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
"I had to remeasure the distance in front of them," said Smith.
A boat must be remeasured when its configuration is different from what it had been.
The easiest and most notorious way to find space is to remeasure a building.
When the ship is at rest you will remeasure and realign.
In March 1871 land plots on all the farmland were remeasured.
The company had to strain and remeasure the stuff before it could begin refining.
A mouse click, and the computer remeasured the rentable area.
The judges were so incredulous they twice remeasured the length of the course.
Since then the owner had remeasured the building and is now renting the floors at 6,850 square feet.
I believe you need to remeasure your funny.
Sometimes landlords will agree to lease buyouts because it lets them remeasure the space.
But Manchester's team has remeasured the position of this star and find it does not coincide with the radio position after all.
Performance is constantly remeasured with stopwatches, radar guns and statistical percentages.
This month a panel of experts will remeasure the Zaft buck's antlers and make a final decision.
Together, they remeasured the room "with an old-fashioned tape measure," and the appraiser corrected his mistake.
Last week, our mental stomping grounds grew a little bigger when astronomers announced that they had remeasured the universe.
When the bar was remeasured, Warmerdam lost 1/4 of an inch and a brawl ensued.
For a person found to have a desirable cholesterol level (below 200), total serum cholesterol should be remeasured at least once every five years.
She had scribbled figures on the girders themselves, so she did not have to remeasure to mark the print.
He commissioned several geographers to remeasure the distance on earth that corresponds to one degree of celestial meridian.
Defense team regulations for the America's Cup trials forbid boats from being remeasured during a racing period such as the semifinals.
He measured carefully, then remeasured.
This is part of the twilight zone of real estate, in which steel and concrete buildings change in size as they are remeasured.
In 1971/72 the London underground network was remeasured in kilometres using Ongar as its zero point.
Therefore, capture thresholds should be remeasured in individuals with pacemakers after the steady-state flecainide dose is changed.