Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
You think our state rep is really going to care?
Why would they want a rep on the ground floor?
I called the rep, who said he would call back.
This is the state of the Rep party these days.
"We need to take every rep as a learning process."
Build a rep, now these first few weeks, and everyone would leave him alone.
"Too bad about what happened to the rep and his troops."
One no doubt the rep will turn up again before long.
Her first five years were spent in rep and the theatre.
Being a sales rep has been fun, but I'm looking forward to the next step.
Just like I imagine your rep will stand the hit, if it comes.
Having worked in a regional rep, would he ever want to run one?
He is the class rep love interest and they are currently going out.
Then I was put on hold again as the second rep went to speak to his manager.
Sometimes rep was the only thing that would carry your men through.
"I can see how you got your rep as the best private nose in the business."
This was the second giant land rep he had seen here.
Got a rep but he's kind of a mysterious guy.
You got a rep for mixing in where you're not wanted.
He didn't look like a rep or a private detective.
His rep is bad enough so there'll be an excuse!
At one stage the rep left the house to make a phone call, leaving his equipment behind.
He looked back at the sales rep after hitting the last one.
He yelled after his union rep,who didn't even look back.
We got one hundred percent acceptance from every rep at the party.