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In addition, some of their behavior was and is reprehensible.
And of course, there was that one reprehensible act ten years ago.
Selling any government arms to use against its own people is reprehensible.
Very reprehensible, of course, but, as my book says, one must not turn one's back on the truth.
It is the only reprehensible action we ever see her commit.
The fact is, your fourth crime was the only really reprehensible one.
In this country, such practices are not considered particularly reprehensible.
To keep the gift and not give another in exchange is reprehensible.
"I still do not grasp why you find that so reprehensible."
"Everything about the book says what she did was not just wrong but reprehensible.
Which part of what he has done do you find to be the most reprehensible?"
We are talking about the most reprehensible use of one human by another."
That makes the attack on voting rights all the more reprehensible.
The actions of the pair had been, to many, reprehensible.
And nobody in the Legislature is even trying to change this reprehensible law.
"Our first priority was to put a stop to this reprehensible behavior, and make sure the companies involved were out of business."
In my top 10, I wrote that it was the best but most reprehensible album of the year.
He said that would be a "morally reprehensible thing to do."
The point is not that this particular person committed a reprehensible crime.
He seemed to be saying, "Even my manners are less reprehensible."
As to the shape of the phenomenon, it was even still more reprehensible.
While the President's conduct was reprehensible, it did not threaten the nation.
"The conduct of the officers in this case is reprehensible," she said.
That assessment makes its current state of neglect even more reprehensible.
Nothing that served his ends could appear to him really reprehensible.