Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
The house reputedly had 365 windows, one for each day of the year.
Every suicide was a man of means, reputedly in good health.
He and his followers reputedly killed more than 6,000 people.
He was reputedly able to bring children to barren women.
Reputedly there is a long list around somewhere, but I've never seen it.
I had been looking forward to a couple of days in this reputedly romantic city.
He reputedly made his first stock trade by telephone at the age of 14.
It was the largest building in America, and reputedly the most expensive.
The couple divorced in 1920, reputedly over political differences with her parents.
Reputedly, it is even more dangerous that the type the American military used.
It is reputedly the largest outdoor show in the world.
It also had reputedly the best fighters of the region.
I had heard the story before, along with another one reputedly originating from the same school.
It's also reputedly the biggest city in the world not built on or near a major water source.
Its lower half reputedly also once stood in Istanbul but is now lost.
At age 20, he reputedly killed two soldiers who kidnapped a girl.
Reputedly, he wrote more than 30 books on a variety of topics.
She learned martial arts as a child, and was reputedly a strong woman.
Reputedly, his medicines gave quick results without any side effects.
This is reputedly to prevent their members and supporters from being known by the state.
Then as now, it makes little sense, although the work reputedly has an ecological theme.
She reputedly interpreted it as a "thank you" for her silence.
Reputedly the couple spent little time together and the marriage ended in divorce three years later.
They reputedly built nothing more than a small chapel and kept the balance for themselves.
"And yours, of course, since your father is reputedly dead."