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Was the effect of the resin on body or mind?
"We'd rather look at a material like resin and use it 16 different ways."
Maybe that's why we love the smell of resin in the morning.
The red stuff was not blood but a resin mixture.
He rubbed his feet in the resin, and the old feeling began to come over him.
These candles were made from a particular type of resin.
With the high cost of the resin, who would want to discard it?
"What have you got in mind for resin processing this week?"
She'd been caught in the resin, like all the rest of the insects.
The trees start producing resin when they are about 8 to 10 years old.
Color is sometimes added with a resin to give it more stability.
To the first kind the heads were attached by resin.
Take that high- temperature resin we had such trouble with.
I see, so far at least, no resin to doubt them on this score.
Why do they have a resin bag on the mound?
"We can change the color very easily by putting in different resins," he said.
It's as if resin fuel had been poured on them.
In years past, he has tried rubbing gloves with oil and resin.
Many years ago, forestry and resin production were important economic resources too.
These are made of resin and they look like amber beads.
In 1995, resin prices went wild, doubling before the year was out.
Thus a resin can be tailored to a particular toxic group.
If you do go, bring your own pine resin and flint.
Composite resins can sometimes also be used on the back teeth.
The resin may be stained to show the void space.