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Living things use the resources of the Earth, solar system and universe to meet their needs.
Explosives provide the means to free up the vast resources of the earth.
Every day, we use products derived from the mineral resources of the earth.
All wealth is produced by labor being applied to the natural resources of the earth.
Secondly, even though the population remained at one size, the resources of the Earth began to diminish.
Mountains, hills, rivers, and valleys are the resources of the earth.
The exploitation of natural resources of the earth has created a strong economic structure.
Has the adult the right to consume the resources of the earth without regard for the future needs of the child?
We may settle for the resources of the Earth, find a way to manage our numbers and our planet indefinitely.
If human beings maximise their freedom by plundering the natural resources of the earth, then future generations will suffer.
Several hundred years in the future, the natural resources of the Earth are exhausted, and the progression of the human race has stagnated.
Our mode of exploitation of the resources of the Earth has endangered the biosphere.
Activity 14.3 Students prepare scenarios about the use of renewable and non-renewable resources of the earth and beyond.
Geography 12 The Geography 12 course is technical in terms of its emphasis on systems and resources of the earth.
We have done this on the assumption that we humans, by virtue of our humanity, possess some exclusive right to the resources of the earth.
People want to be able to pursue happiness, have access to basic needs, and be free to be creative by transforming the resources of the earth.
The Edict harms All little thus, and All pays the tax from the infinite resources of the earth.
Resources of the Earth (Management of Resources)
Resources of the Earth - the nature and spatial distribution of resources and how humans perceive and manage them. (16 weeks)
The 1963 meeting of WAAS had dealt with the population explosion and the raw material reserves and food resources of the earth.
To be sure, all peoples ‘use’ the resources of the earth in order to live, but their patterns of use are conditioned by cultural values they may scarcely perceive.
Geography 12 Resources Of The Earth (Nature Of Resources)
The great Rachel Carson once wrote that “The real wealth of the nation lies in the resources of the Earth -— soil, water, forests, minerals, wildlife...
It is a commitment by many of the world's governments to working towards a way of living that doesn't rob future generations of the beauty and resources of the earth.
• Explain contemporary concepts of sustainability Resources Of The Earth (Sustainability Of Resources)