Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Or to what degree are we going to see religion as a responsible agent of change?"
Over the next year there were 13 more deaths and eventually the responsible agent was identified as α-methylfentanyl.
Subsequent investigation aims to determine the responsible agent to allow its future avoidance.
Definition: a philosophical theory emphasizing the existence of the individual as a free and responsible agent determining his or her own development.
Tort law stipulates that the responsible agent can be liable if he knew or should have known about the danger in question.
There is still an ongoing discussion whether the responsible agent is close to the common cold or coronavirus.
The responsible agent has not been identified.
Pashukanis' conceptual account of law begins with the idea of a responsible agent - what he calls "the legal subject".
In the beginning of Chapter 5, Jack still does not see himself as a responsible agent in the web of life.
It is the interaction between the field of a cell and another EM field that becomes the responsible agent for growth.
It contains the potential for the emergence of matter and is the responsible agent for growth and development in living biomatter.
Humans, not robots, are responsible agents.
This difference of cliche is a very responsible agent in the social aberrations of one nation as they differ from those of another.
"Brains are automatic, rule-governed, determined devices, while people are personally responsible agents," Gazzaniga says.
The responsible agents include:
Griffith had neither the resources nor the inclination to purify and identify the responsible agent in pneumococcal extracts that induced the changes of serotype.
Marywood's Catholic identity coupled with its mission to educate students to "live responsibility in an interdependent world" encourages students to be socially responsible agents of change.
They worshipped the sun as the giver of life and heat, creator of night and day and the responsible agent for vegetation and fertility.
He also served as responsible agent for Rush, Ozzy Osborne, Iron Maiden and Robert Plant.
We who stand outside judge the Germans far too much, as if they were responsible agents, but perhaps it would be nearer the truth to regard them, also, as victims."
The builders of theKoyculture , themetacetaceans were also responsible agents for the drowning of the planet that took place during theGreat Dying .
It is not drugs as such that act as responsible agents for the collapse of well-being in the society and the proceeding crime, but the human desire for drugs.
Since contact dermatitis relies on an irritant or an allergen to initiate the reaction, it is important for the patient to identify the responsible agent and avoid it.
They also noted they were "responsible agents" in "cold" countries for heating and sanitary goods and in "hot" countries for baths, lavatories and water closets.
According to the historian Horace Mann, Stephen was an impotent observer, and that the responsible agent was in reality the Chartularius, Gratiosus.