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Mr. Sipser said that remaining workers were being forced into working unreasonable amounts of overtime, proving the need for more restaffing of the jobs.
The rural stations restaffing initiative won the inaugural "Putting Passengers First Award" at the 2007 National Rail Awards.
At The News, Mr. Dunn will be in charge of long-term strategy, including the restaffing and redesign of both the daily and Sunday papers and the paper's day-to-day operations.
Label restaffing and losing key members led to the ultimate break up of the band in the summer of 1984, although half of the band members later played together in the band Steve McQueen.
Then those officers would be killed and replaced by their counterparts, who would sabotage the ship, supervise the "disposition" of the rest of the crew, and supervise the restaffing of the ship with their own people.
The rebuilding and restaffing of 77th Precinct Annex, fight to save Interfaith Hospital from closure and the recently refunded Franklin Avenue Shuttle renovation project - these needed the force and talent of the all CB8's neighborhoods behind them.
To the Editor: The argument in Jonathan Kozol's essay rests on the assumption that the obvious failure of urban school systems as measured by reading and writing scores and graduation rates is remediable by administrative restructuring, selective restaffing and more money.
But they fear what the expulsions may portend for the planned next phase of peace operations - the disarming of militias, Yugoslav Army withdrawal, and, eventually, the restaffing of local police forces, now 100 percent Serb, to reflect the ethnic composition of the region before the war.