Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
That revamping, he said, has now given the American economy a better basis for new economic growth going forward.
The company estimated the cost of the revamping would be about $9 million.
The plan is the biggest revamping since the Limited went public in 1969.
The revamping will separate the equipment business from phone services.
There would be a revamping of the Federal tax code.
The revamping has already included a significant change in the sports operations.
Indeed, Reynolds has gone through a major revamping in the last few years.
The revamping of the government's intelligence community in 2004 has been a mixed success.
Pay seemed to fall in 1994 for both groups, but that may reflect a revamping of the survey last year.
President Bush approved a revamping of the foreign policy mechanism.
He said a revamping of regulations to allow intervention might be necessary.
Today's announcement came as the international airline industry is going through a significant revamping.
Scott Paper plans to cut its work force by 25 percent and shut some plants, the company's third revamping since 1990.
The second factor, he said, was the continued revamping of industries in the region.
Others said the revamping had not gone far enough.
Last fall, it was the minivans' turn for another revamping.
A recent major face lift and a complete revamping of the menu have changed all that.
Change would entail a complete revamping of their food and power sources.
Arguably, his agenda for revamping the income tax is also an effort to think ahead.
Early results were seen with the revamping of the Executive Department.
She took up writing about gardening in order to finance the revamping of the building and garden.
He was also involved in the revamping of Canada's veterans' hospitals.
In June, changes in staff also were made, including revamping the morning show.
Analysts said then that the move could signal the beginning of a corporate revamping.
Third, the revamping of our strategic nuclear forces was postponed for a year.