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Take away 1 for having a direction reverser (the one at the top).
At the last possible moment she pulled up and hit the thrust reversers.
But the software did assume that the reversers would work properly.
Also, he said, the reversers had been opened and closed twice moments before the crash.
The reverser usually has three positions: forward, reverse, and neutral.
One, last month, called for changes in the pin used to make reversers inoperable.
Gurgeh put the robe on, looked at his image in the reverser.
Many also use thrust reversers to slow down the aircraft upon landing.
They also said that engine's thrust reverser had been repaired a little more than two months ago.
The reversers were switched off 4 seconds after that.
The thrust reversers are only activated if the latter condition is true.
Boeing, not the engine suppliers, makes the thrust reversers for 767's.
Would you turn round and face the reverser?
She took the reverser from her shoulder bag and concealed it once more in the hair dryer.
Maybe a reverser to the neuro pharm could be found.
However various maintenance replacements have seen the thrust reversers in the same position as the -30 and -40.
This is the most common form of reverser.
Video taken at the crash site shows the aircraft's thrust reversers in the deployed position.
A thrust reverser coming on in flight may not have been survivable, anyway.
Some work had been done on an engine part, a thrust reverser, shortly before takeoff.
Such applications include engine control, vent, thrust reversers and water system controls.
Both the engines and thrust reversers were excluded as causes of the accident.
This is where the throttle and reverser are located.
The reversers are used to slow the aircraft more quickly and reduce wear on the wheel brakes.
In full compliance with the certification requirements, the test was performed without a thrust reverser.