Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Not many reviewers really saw the point he was trying to make.
But look at the so called reviewers of these books.
We have more than 50 reviewers and most of us love your site.
As a book reviewer I wanted to be like her.
Even so, I do feel that the reviewers might care.
Better reviewers than me have had their say on this book.
Foreign reviewers were beginning to pay his music serious attention.
Most reviewers said that they felt the film was too long.
The book was well received at the time by reviewers.
I can understand where the reviewer is coming from, but he's wrong.
Or he was when the reviewer last saw his work a few years back.
If she's right, there may not be much reviewers can do.
The reviewers gave the game 4 out of 5 stars.
Not all reviewers had a positive response to the book.
Read many and make your choice or do what the reviewer said.
This was made in 1932, not 1965 as the reviewer wrote.
Once again the public was ahead of the reviewers in seeing through a book.
Some professional reviewers are, of course, just out to make a name for themselves.
The reviewer felt that the book was too short and had little action.
Further, little is known about the quality of the reviewers or what training they need to do a good job.
Some reviewers have found the show a little too comfortable.
This might not be done on purpose by the reviewers.
Do reviewers you've used before ever suggest books to you?
The majority of reviewers were very positive about the book.
More than 2, 800 people signed up to be reviewers.