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But this is not the problem, because, after all, revivalism has always been part of fashion.
However not only the South, but the whole country was caught up in religious revivalism during the early decades of the century.
Not surprisingly, it was an era of great religious revivalism.
It is also similar to the revivalism of traditional Evangelicalism.
But just as often, the band steers the music away from simple revivalism.
They are simple in design and feature the eclectic revivalism of the day.
Likewise, the last days of disco revivalism have not yet arrived.
Five years later, influenced by the Revivalism, he chose to become a preacher.
Though revivalism is something of a creative cul-de-sac - next season, what?
Where this Hindu revivalism or fundamentalism came from is a matter of debate.
The Smith family was also exposed to the intense revivalism of this era.
What the apostles were preaching was a form of Jewish revivalism.
As a result, American revivalism had sometimes been anarchic and neurotic.
It's a little closer to revivalism than the White Stripes usually get.
Among Lutherans revivalism played a major role in the 1850s.
In fact revivalism, and the evangelical movement generally, played into the hands of extremists on both sides.
Chicks on Speed framed its revivalism within today's feminist dance rock.
Now, the hard part begins: moving past revivalism to make country speak for something more than suburban complacency.
These reform movements are summarised under Hindu revivalism and continue into the present.
Their ideas and methods of revivalism are observed in different parts of the world today.
New schools of yoga developed in Hindu revivalism from the 1890s.
But neither is there a sense of slavish revivalism.
And, in addition, a great upsurge in revivalism had occurred.
It was restored in 1917, which was the height of Colonial revivalism.
Many were sympathetic to revivalism and popular culture.