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We got word three days ago he was coming, but forgot it in reviving the couple.
Instead of reviving the entire village, he left his ex-wife and her husband dead.
Two studies have been carried out to review the possibility of reviving train services.
Paramedics spent three hours reviving him and he was hospitalised for several days.
Mitch is, in fact, not dead and, after quickly reviving, he begins to fight John for control of a handgun.
He is credited with reviving the science center and making the institution financially stable.
In addition to reviving her father's ailing organization, she has started another of her own.
Their music focuses on reviving a dusty funk and jazz sound.
The money would be better spent on reviving the desperately needed Second Avenue subway line.
Great idea to spend millions reviving it, obviously.
Keefe, Bruyette says it has no interest in reviving its plans to go public.
The underlying strategy is to enlist popular support for reviving the economy by giving frustrated consumers more to buy.
Subsequent attempts by hospital medical personnel were unsuccessful in reviving the unconscious infant.
Beginning in the 1970s, Norfolk worked towards reviving its urban core:
"The show has positioned itself for the digital future by reviving some of the deeper values of the 70's past," she said.
Upon reviving he spoke incoherently for some time.
Digges developed a strong interest in reviving the production of silk in Virginia.
Given a second chance, Sutton soon went to work on reviving the Cowboys, and his coaching career.
That could chill any willingness to sell assets to foreigners - a necessity in reviving the country's banks.
And speculation has been high in Hollywood about whether online services hold the potential of reviving some antitrust concerns of the past.
When his career ended, he became widely remembered for his role in reviving Husky men's basketball.
The Makah have not decided exactly how to go about reviving a skill that has not been practiced here in nearly 70 years.
Meanwhile, international donors and lenders see no future in reviving rusting industrial works, unless private investors want to buy them.
But he has disarmed critics by reviving a dormant parents' association and setting up a parents' room.
The elders had agreed and succeeded in reviving the language, so today the children can learn Pikuni at school or at home.